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Cécile Barraud de Lagerie

After growing up by the sea and studying in Paris, Cécile Barraud de Lagerie ran off to Brussels, where she still lives and works. She loves colours, meaningful collaborations, she takes an interest in fashion and political issues and would love to have Jean-Claude Ameisen, Pascal Quignard, Lauren Bastide and Ludovic Debeurme around a table with drinks, coloured pencils and a voice recorder. And for various reasons, she also loves plants.

Her Curious Residence

A visual artist with multiple interests and an obsession with colour, Cécile chose to deepen her visual research by working specifically on perception and coloured vibrations in the landscape, particularly sea landscapes.

Her great adventure started in May, while crossing the Atlantic, on a 294-metre-long container ship that sailed from Le Havre (France) to Miami (United States). Those 17 days in a very specific context and a unique visual and sensory environment let her experiment with and radically test the selected theme.

This autumn 2018, she completed a new creation residency with an aim to show the results, which could take the form of an exhibition or a publication or a performance in the future... Anything is possible!

Meanwhile, you can follow Cécile on Instagram and on Facebook, where she regularly takes over our page.